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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Recipe For A Good Life


"Bottomless Good Life"

1 Peaceful Mind
1 Heartful of Love
1 Big Heaping Scoop of Laughter
1 Mouthful of Kind Words
Unlimited Amount of Compassion
Hugs and Kisses to Desired Amount

Recipe tastes best with all natural, organic ingredients. Add your own choice of spices and sweetness as desired.

     I was listening to a radio show today where the guest was discussing ways to map out your life to be happy, reach your goals and become successful.  Somewhere along the conversation she brought up a very interesting metaphor about having a recipe to reach goals.  If she gave a group of ten people a generic recipe for success, she said, everyone would follow the basic recipe, but most would substitute or add or remove a few of the ingredients to make it their own.  This got me thinking. Living life is like cooking a dish.  And we're all invited to the potluck. 

     The more I thought about it, the more I realized that if I were to share my recipe for a good life, some people may make it gourmet, some would make it more simple, while still others might add their own cultural flair to it, but everyone will have created a Good Life dish that for the most part had the same ingredients, just that the flavors of each one would be slightly different.  A Good Life whipped up according to each person's tastebuds.

     Life can taste as good as you want it to.  The more quality ingredients you add to your Good Life dish, the better it's going to taste.  The more love and sweetness you pour into it, the more  happiness you're going to get out of it.  The more compassion, service and kindness you mix in, the more satisfaction and fulfillment you will receive in return.  Make sure to balance the dish out with enough hugs and kisses and your recipe will be award-winning. 


     Just thought I'd give you some food for thought.  What kind of life are you cooking up?  Is it a recipe your loved ones will want to hand down from generation to generation?  If so, share it with us and be generous with it -- recipes like this should not be kept secret.  Our world needs more Good Life passed around, and everyone is hungry for some. 

     Bon Appetit! And raise your glass to a delicious serving of Good Life.
On This Note:  If you have a gift for cooking delicious meals, share your dishes with your local shelter or church.  There are so many hungry children and adults who depend on these locations for their next meal. 

I hope this blog motivates at least one person to find their courage and start moving toward making their dream come true!

Please feel free to leave me a comment below and provide your feedback. I would love to hear from you.

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