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Friday, November 13, 2015

Twin Flame Rendezvous

There have been many times I've woken up from a long night’s sleep having had the most marvelous dream of encountering an indescribable love. I've dreamt what I like to identify as my Soul Love, and many refer to as Twin Flame

How do I know it was my twin flame? 

I could feel it. And because I feel it, I know it. I sense a love so deep, so fulfilling, and so complete, it's as though I am enveloped in my very own love. Sounds strange, I imagine, to some of you reading this, but to others this may actually resonate.

The Experience

Have you ever woken up from a dream in which you dreamt of loving a person you have never met or even seen in this lifetime, and you felt as though you never wanted to wake up because you felt so amazingly happy with them and it was hard to leave the dream? Have you ever wanted to fall asleep again just to be able to go back and continue to feel the immense feeling of love that you’ve only experienced in your dreams? 

Well, a twin flame encounter is like that. You feel it.

I can't think far back enough to remember the first time I’ve had this rendezvous with my twin flame. Throughout the years, my soul love has appeared to me in different faces and ages, and the only way I recognize my twin flame is through the feeling of immense love that makes me want to stay in my dream and never wake up.

It so happened that I found out I was not alone which is the very reason why I decided to share my experience, and join the conversation going on about twin flames. I scoured the internet and discovered that many people have actually found their twin flame in the physical realm. Some twin flame relationships survive throughout the years while others seem to be separated once again by circumstances beyond their control yet they live with the flame still burning in their soul, yearning for one another. Yet regardless, together or apart, all the same, twin flames are fulfilling their purpose. 
However, what do you do when your twin flame exists only in the astral plane where you meet beyond space and time, and can only experience glimpses of that eternal love?

You trust. You practice patience. You keep it alive. 
You expand your being.

The Essence of Twin Flames

I finally became aware after much pondering and soul searching, that my soul love is with me even beyond the reality of this human existence. We have had lifetimes together and we continue our journey separated by light years and dimensions that I can barely fathom. My understanding is that my twin soul, which in essence is my other half, my equal, my image and true reflection of my Self was birthed, like all souls have, to execute one mission – LOVE.

The mission of soul love is to supply this planet with the intensity of the highest vibration that exists to dissolve the dark forces with it's pure unconditional love in order to assist with the ascension of Mother Earth. Our twin flame is a projection of self-love, the greatest love there is. There are time we might struggle with it, we fight it, we sometimes forget it. But it exists, and when we meet with it again, we are drawn like a moth to a flame, mesmerized. And when we are together again, it is magical, we become whole thus, igniting the intense feeling of love from which we do not want to detach from, ever. It is this love, this vibration, the reason our twin flame was birthed — to generate this energy beyond time and space.

Whether twin flames unite in human reality, and many of you have already experienced it, or whether we encounter our twin flame only in our dreams, the force, the power of it is not diminished either way. The soul love is working toward the greater good of humanity and this planet, and no matter where it is we unite, the love that binds us is eternal. Soul love is carrying out its mission – to love unconditionally, to shower humanity with love, to raise the vibration with the highest frequency that is love, to unite us all in love and serve with the ascension of Mother Earth. And, yes, I believe this mission of love uniting and ascension can be undertaken even while dreaming.

My twin flame revealed this to me

"I have come to you before in your dreams. Sometimes I look different because I reveal myself in the face I have taken during the physical lifetimes we were together. My love is always with you, and we will meet again in person in the not so distant future. Until then it will be in dreams where we meet as a reminder that we are one eternally. Our souls continue to unite and create change in the world."

Twin Flame Connection

If you have dreamt of your twin flame, there are ways in which you can keep the love alive in the physical by connecting to your twin flame in waking hours. Personally, my advice is to seek the answers deep within and the path to take will be revealed in order to nurture your twin flame. Some of you might even manifest the union in the physical form. If you find yourself in a current relationship with a soul mate and not your twin flame, it's important to realize that the physical separation of the twin flame is part of the twin flame's journey. These relationships, too, have their purpose and the twin flame is aware of this.

As for me, I know that my soul love/twin flame awaits me in the not too distant future. Until then, we will continue to rendezvous in our dreams.

On this note:  If you have had a twin flame encounter, please share in the comments.  I'd love to hear in what ways this experience has touched and/or changed your life.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Hard Knocks of Life and Why They Happen

Have you been facing some challenges lately? Maybe just when you thought things were starting to look up they took a turn for the worse. The news you received was bad. Something suddenly changed in your life that has you tossing and turning at night. Many of us have experienced situations or witnessed events which cause us to question the meaning of this life. Whether on a personal level or third-party observer we still feel at times that life can be very unfair.

Hard knocks. Some knock harder than others.

I was feeling overwhelmed one day and having a hard time coping with pressure and deadlines. Things were not necessarily going my way, and I was frustrated. I was frustrated mainly at me for allowing myself to get all riled up over the small stuff.  I knew that if I focused and grounded I could get over these hurdles and eventually it would all be behind me.

Then, I heard some news. News that quickly put things into perspective. Don't you just love it when the universe jolts you in a way that quickly reminds you how minute your troubles or your problems really are?

Suddenly I was getting news that trickled in from different sources, not just one particular thing. And then that information got me thinking about other difficult moments, and so on.  Finally, I was wading in a pool of sadness and tears created by my empathy and inability to find solace or meaning.

"Why?" I asked. "Why do so many horrible things happen?"

Reality is, these horrible things surround us every day and are just part of our world.  It's hard not to be cynical at times or turn a blind eye, because otherwise we'd be overcome with despair by all of the injustice, the poverty, death, and the list goes on.  It's not as black and white as that however; it's not simply a case of being indifferent to the suffering of others. It really is just too much to take in without breaking down completely.

That's when I chose to take a deep breath, and look for answers.

I closed my eyes, sent love and light to the places and people at the time I knew were in need. Then I asked for guidance. Almost immediately the anxiousness and worry began to be lifted and the picture was made clear to me.


This is what was channelled:

What if the unpleasant, or even the good, events that occur, those that we feel personally attack us or graciously touch us were for the highest good of what was to come?

All the good and the bad are a mixture for life to happen as it should, for possibility to be. A mixture that blends all the ingredients of opposite natures to become a recipe for the perfect outcome.

The result of a bad event or situation in some one's life leads a person to react or to respond. Whatever that may be, spurs another action or event. And so on. Prior to having had the present experience there was a point where a choice was made to generate that specific moment in time to occur. And it was necessary in order to fuel the next move.

Whether it is a sad one, or a happy one, in the big melting pot of life, all had to come to be in order to continue the evolution of life. It is inevitable. It is a natural continuum.


And so I applied this information to what was known by me. Why had a little boy been born with a health issue that would eventually take his young precious life? Why had a mother lost her life days after coming down with a sudden unknown pain?  Why did a woman have to battle cancer for the past 25 years of her life? Why had cancer taken my aunt? Why did a drunk driver take the lives of an innocent family, including an infant? Why was there war erupting all around us and our globalist are getting wealthier instead of being accountable and implementing real solutions for these injustices?

Because choices were made. Paths were forged. People were put in positions where they must pay prices for the bad decisions of others. But at the heart of it, we discover forgiveness, we discover acceptance, we discover humbleness, we discover there are good people doing good deeds to help those that suffer. We see examples of love and compassion taking place as a result of all of this. And that is where light shines to dispel the evil, the wicked, the fear, the darkness.

When we care, when we love, when we forgive, when we help others, together we raise the vibration of the planet and we signal healing to all corners of the world.

I realize this is raw, to say the least. But, let's not barrage our minds with thoughts of hopelessness and fear at the sight of all that is wrong with our world. Rather, let us come to see that we can respond to the grief and the pain of it all in a way that unites us in love, in light and in healing.

It is our evolution. And that is the purpose of this life.


ON THIS NOTE: Give yourself space to feel the pain, and then be kind enough to allow yourself to heal. And know that someone else is also thinking of you and holding a loving, caring space for you as well. You are not ever alone in your suffering.

I hope this blog motivates at least one person to find their courage and start moving toward making their dream come true!

Please feel free to leave me a comment below and provide your feedback. I would love to hear from you.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

L -O -V -E

Love is not complicated, it is as simple as a 4-letter word.

Love is like air. You cannot live without it. 

Love is all around us.

Love is life force.

Love is natural.

I have faced multiple crossroads in my life, winding turns and uphill battles. The skies have often been dark, the course difficult and the weather turbulent. But I cannot write about the dark times without recalling the end of my feat and the vision of light at the end of the tunnel. I have experienced triumphs, too. But what really matters most of all and what is most important in the sum of it all, is that I have had the experience of joy and laughter, and above all, LOVE.

I have lost hope. I have lost faith. I have lost my will to live. 
I have also found strength. I have found courage. I have found meaning to keep going.

In my darkest hours, there is always a tiny glimpse of light, at times barely visible, but nonetheless there.
It is a knowing that my journey is not over. That somehow all will be well. And that no matter how angry, or how sad, or how hurt I am, I must continue to open my eyes another day and keep moving forward.

In my darkest hour I have felt defeated and tired. I have slumped over and curled myself into a ball of despair. I have shouted out in anger and dismay. I have cried for what seemed like days. And then an unspoken, resounding wave of loving words enters my soul, calming my tears, soothing my fears, healing my wounds and reigniting my spirit. This is LOVE. 

When in the midst of pain, agony and despair you can catch a glimpse of hope and speckle of faith to pull you out from the depths of the abyss which is your strife, 
LOVE saved YOU.

It is all around you, unyielding, protecting, shielding and comforting. It can be felt, it can be shown, it can be given and received, it can be seen in the actions of people and heard in the whisper of the winds. LOVE is everywhere. All you need to do is accept it and it is yours.

Written in the spirit of Love.

ON THIS NOTE: You came into this world to be love, to live love, to give love — to be a life force in this existence. And your life makes a difference. Love every chance you get.

I hope this blog motivates at least one person to find their courage and start moving toward making their dream come true!

Please feel free to leave me a comment below and provide your feedback. I would love to hear from you.