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Thursday, March 6, 2014

L -O -V -E

Love is not complicated, it is as simple as a 4-letter word.

Love is like air. You cannot live without it. 

Love is all around us.

Love is life force.

Love is natural.

I have faced multiple crossroads in my life, winding turns and uphill battles. The skies have often been dark, the course difficult and the weather turbulent. But I cannot write about the dark times without recalling the end of my feat and the vision of light at the end of the tunnel. I have experienced triumphs, too. But what really matters most of all and what is most important in the sum of it all, is that I have had the experience of joy and laughter, and above all, LOVE.

I have lost hope. I have lost faith. I have lost my will to live. 
I have also found strength. I have found courage. I have found meaning to keep going.

In my darkest hours, there is always a tiny glimpse of light, at times barely visible, but nonetheless there.
It is a knowing that my journey is not over. That somehow all will be well. And that no matter how angry, or how sad, or how hurt I am, I must continue to open my eyes another day and keep moving forward.

In my darkest hour I have felt defeated and tired. I have slumped over and curled myself into a ball of despair. I have shouted out in anger and dismay. I have cried for what seemed like days. And then an unspoken, resounding wave of loving words enters my soul, calming my tears, soothing my fears, healing my wounds and reigniting my spirit. This is LOVE. 

When in the midst of pain, agony and despair you can catch a glimpse of hope and speckle of faith to pull you out from the depths of the abyss which is your strife, 
LOVE saved YOU.

It is all around you, unyielding, protecting, shielding and comforting. It can be felt, it can be shown, it can be given and received, it can be seen in the actions of people and heard in the whisper of the winds. LOVE is everywhere. All you need to do is accept it and it is yours.

Written in the spirit of Love.

ON THIS NOTE: You came into this world to be love, to live love, to give love — to be a life force in this existence. And your life makes a difference. Love every chance you get.

I hope this blog motivates at least one person to find their courage and start moving toward making their dream come true!

Please feel free to leave me a comment below and provide your feedback. I would love to hear from you.