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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Time Flies, Then It's Time to Keep Going

Too long since my last post.  Or has it been?

As I contemplate the time gone by and what I've been doing with it, I remember a quote from an old movie.

"Time... Did you ever think about time? It goes... That's the business of time. Tick. Tick. Tick. You can almost hear it go by. Before you know it, it's gone. Then where are we, my friend?" -- (Dark Victory, 1939)

I feel time has sneaked by me so fast, yet dragged on when I realize I've not done much with it. So how do I reconcile that?  The best thing I can come up with is simply that the time is now past. Then again time is present. But also, as you may have guessed what I am going to say next -- time is future.  It is a string of moments, some lapses, and some stagnant periods, some energized with changes, beginnings and endings.  In the last few months it feels like I've seen doors open and close and for the most part I just watched them as they opened and closed, not really making an effort to go through any of them because they really weren't meant for me.  Although all that time I observed what was going on.  Others were going through them, coming in or going out, and even sometimes it may have just been a silent forceful breeze manipulating the door to open and shut itself as if showing me a glimpse of what lies ahead.  

Most significantly, three weeks ago my great-uncle Silvestre passed on. Two days ago, as I was visiting my mom and a friend whom is a blast from the past, I learnt my aunt Angie was drawing her last breath.  I didn't even know it. The news came to me just yesterday.  Deeply saddened of course initially by the passing of my uncle a few weeks ago and, then now with my aunt I feel a sense of nostalgia and regret that while she was in my life throughout certain periods, perhaps it wasn't enough.  Beginnings and Endings.  With the end of a life, a new one begins to take shape as one continues to move on without them.

Every now again the questions arise:  Where are am I headed now? What lies before me? Answers are not always clear, but there is a sense of uncertainty mixed with anticipation. There is a wonderment swirling around me, keeping my head tilted up toward the skies, looking for that moment in time when my life is finally going to go through an open door that will shut behind me only to start at a new point in time.

"Time doesn't sleep."

So if you can relate to any of this, when you wake up from sleeping through time, don't be too rushed to catch up. Know that time is gone. Instead, use the present time to be still, to notice what is around you, to take in what has gone on, to smile up at the heavens and breathe, to feel the wind, to listen to a bird's song, to savor life and be grateful for the time you've had while allowing future time to take shape. Then watch for the door to open.  If you reach it before it shuts, it means it is your time to go through it... and start a new beginning in time.

ON THIS NOTE:  When one door closes, another one opens.  Only you know when the time has come to walk through it.

I hope this blog motivates at least one person to find their courage and start moving toward making their dream come true!

Please feel free to leave me a comment below and provide your feedback. I would love to hear from you.